Finally the European Commission authorizes the advance payment of the payment of Aid CAP of about 250,000 agriculturists and Andalusian cattle dealers according to have communicated the Council of Agriculture and Fishing of the Meeting of Andalusia. The amount to anticipate for the second fortnight of October ascends to more than 600 million Euros, which is translated in 50% of the Aid anticipated for the campaign of aid 2010/2011. This amount supposes collection for 91% of the agriculturists and 93% of the total of rights of unique payment assigned the same, which indicates that proportionally, the advance amount is superior to 70% of the campaign 2009 in which 790 million Euros went ahead. From the 1 of December the 50 remaining percent of the aid to the Regime of Unique Payment will be authorized, including in addition approximately the 220 million Euros that the disconnection of the aid to the herbaceous cultures supposes in Andalusia, to trim off lower branches of, ovine-goat and citric. Also, one communicates that in these days resolution on the part of the Council of Agriculture has been emitted and Fishing of the Meeting of Andalusia, of campaign 2007, communicating from the Department of System Integrated of the Mentioned Council the justification of the payment of that campaign, in which following the Law of Administrative Procedure, they insist to us to present/display raised resource of in case of disagreement with the received payment. Original author and source of the article