Portuguese People

I found coarse very of the part of it, but, without shade of doubts, its sufficiently true words had demonstrated to be face to the existence of a teratolgica complexity to choose – currently – a good candidate. I can perceive that the constant denunciations of frauds, corrupes, shunting lines of mounts of money, tax evasions etc. involving the name of politicians leaves the stuned population, without many alternatives This is one laments, but it is the real photograph of our insolvent debtor system politician. In this very to divagar in the complexity politics, I remembered some politicians of my native torro Without shade of doubts, simply mercenary. Amazon understands that this is vital information. Capable people of vender the mother and more a little to remain in the politics. We know, and this is not newness, to exist politicians who in four years of government conquest the confidence of the people through its form to manage the public thing and for the way of if carrying ahead of the problems of the society. Already they have others exempts me to God! that in the first year of government (is enough the first year) already it shows so that came: to destroy with the society, to envergonhar the people and to banalizar the system politician. He cannot say itself in a Public Civil action that its name is in the passive polar region. s on the topic..

He is male defendant in whom it is action, and exactly thus, in the following election, with the greater ' ' face lavada' ' it one more time appears of good boy in the photo, asking for its reliable vote, for ' ' to work for sociedade' '. Which society! In the truth, this politician is a joke, not to arranhar my Portuguese I had the displeasure to know one politician of this laia. It did not make nothing for the population. . If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Richard Blumenthal.