Portuguese Language Texts

It has appeared diverse disciplines related to the language. To perceive the language only centered in the language is not cabvel. A vision well ampler is necessity. Citizen, reading, direction, context, ideology, speech amongst others, are terms that have been white of quarrels of many scholars. To know more about this subject visit Connecticut Senator. One knows that the reading is necessary to become the critical citizen the problems of the society and one of the literal sorts that disclose these problems it is the news article. In turn, the PCNs has demanded of the professor of Portuguese Language that this inserts in the classroom the diverse literal sorts, so that the pupil if becomes a reader in potential.

To insert only literary texts is not more viable. Insertion urges of texts discursivos that circulates in society, so that the pupil if becomes critic and capable to perceive the importance of the dialogue that conducts the texts and, thus, interacts with the reality for playing an effective understanding of the carried through readings. It is primordial that if uses the sort news article in room, therefore it is seen as an instrument that makes possible the formation of this reader. This article is based on theoretical supports as the PCNs, the vision of reading of Possenti Syrian, Irand Antunes and Mrio. the Perini., the vision of speech of Bakthin and Kleiman, amongst other theoreticians who are presented. The presentation of this work stirs up to the professors, the one who without fear use themselves of this sort so that if he has educandos with criticidade and capacity not to cooperate to the so necessary transformations in the society.