Operation Enduring Freedom

Disturbed for the increasing one extremism of Bin Laden, they also mentioning the House to it of Saudi as false Muslim. Sen. Sherrod Brown has much to offer in this field. they reports of financial support radical the Islamist groups in the Middle East, Arabia in 1994 revoked its citizenship. It was during these turbulent years of what Bin Laden produced and mounted the Al-Qaeda modern, coming back toward the same individuals and organizations that had helped to finance (with the obvious exception of the United States and other occidental governments givers). Money: Command and Control Before the Operation Lasting Freedom Al-Qaeda firmly was directed supported in the control of the Osama bin Laden. Command, control, administrative tasks and of coordination with the affiliated groups the Al-Qaeda had been organized by a series of commissions. A deliberative agency, the Majlis Shura or consulting board, existed to allow that the members of filiadas and the sympathetical groups to confer with the Al-Qaeda with leadership of one another advice. This set of commissions and advice gradually was developed in beginnings 1990 1991 while the group established its headquarters in Sudan. The statute of the Majlis after the Operation Enduring Freedom is not clear, while the central part Al Qaeda leadership organism probably not yet exerted some influence on the activities of the group. The loss of its sanctuary connected to the increase of the persecution of the individuals on the probable Majlis had diminished its capacity of function.

Regional managers of the money they had exerted a considerable level of influence and control on the financial decisions of the net. For example, Wadi El Hage, personal secretary of Bin-Laden of, pparently, he was in charge them financial operations of the Al-Qaeda in Africa before its capture in 1998. Mohammad Jamal Khalifa (the brother of Bin Laden ) it managed a substantial amount of money in the Islands Maurcias, Singapura, Malaysia and Philippines..