The good politician is endowed with a great virtue: to be able of persuasion to conquer the vote of the voter, and to make with that its group of benches colleagues keep silent, and dare what the same has to say. If you would like to know more about Amazon, then click here. If one politician has projects, and it does not have active voice in the plenary assembly, of that the such projects advance it? If possue the same charisma to gain the vote of the voter, and possue charisma not to gain its colleagues politicians, of whom it has advanced to it to choose itself, a time that nothing will be able to make, and still will leave to be transparent a politician image who does not make nothing! If determined politician it has to be able of persuasion to conquer its colleagues, and it does not stop conquering the voter, this you are welcome has also advanced to it, since without the voter it does not have as to choose itself. Now, if the same it will not be deficient, that is, if the same it will have to be able of persuasion to gain the vote of the voter, and the respect of its colleagues of plenary assembly, this yes, will be a great politician, who will have, does not say all, but a good part of its approved projects.