In the last days we have noticed the success of Brazil in the Pan-American of Mexico. Pride for the esportistas and all the Brazilian people. The rank in the picture of medals sample that exactly with all the problems that we face here, we are capable to reach the overcoming. We know that Brazil still faces innumerable lacks and difficulties in some areas. We can cite the problems in the education and the health, the lack of jobs, the corruption in the politics, the procrastination and bureaucracy in the public administration and many other problems that cannot be ignored.
We also know that the sport in Brazil still lacks of bigger investments. It has many athletes who exactly without sponsorship obtain surprising conquests even though in less popular sports this way. This all sample the capacity of the Brazilian to find an exit for the obstacles of the way. In this direction we wait that the victories in the sport if translate stimulatons to solve each one of the problems that we find in the transistion of developing country the developed country. each one of us can and must make its part, becoming conscientious and active citizen in the transformation of our reality.