After the initial period of linguistic confusion, the Indian population is the need to learn the Castilian to communicate with others and understand the stewards and the commissioners. The Castilian "enter" the community (the reduction) and works in formal contexts such as church doctrine or the priest who catechizes, the Governor to acculturate, the interpreter "linguist" transmitting orders, edicts, which supports visitors etc. Add to your understanding with Amazon. The Castilian and not the "language out." Local languages function as "family language" of ethnic cohesion, but not as "relationship language" or Inter ethnic communication. The church plays a important role in this phase. Since the conclusion of the First Council of Lima (1551) and subsequent 1567 and 1583, he recommended and ordered the priests to produce books and catechism in local languages Quechua, so that these become an indispensable tool for the indoctrination and Christianity of the natives. Take off the Diocesan Council of 1593 ordered the priests and parish priests prepare catechisms language of the plains, Atallanas, Canaris, Puruha, the Ppastos and Quillacingas.
Stage: Siglo XVII – XVII Local languages are beginning to function as a symbol d ethnic identity. Nevertheless, Castilian gains strength by mixing with local languages, linguistic process that included loans of either side. Starts a rapid process of Castilianization and lethargy in local languages, at least, it is well known in the field or urban area reductions and Hispanic villages and property. In rural areas are still holding the native languages albeit only within the community, because when Hispanic people entering the Castilian used distorted and full of idioms own native languages.