English Time

The PCNs praises a LE lesson as a place that it propitiates: (…) access the diverse speeches that circulate globally, to construct other alternative speeches that can collaborate in the fight politics against the hegemony, for the diversity, the multiplicity of the experience human being, and at the same time, to collaborate in the inclusion of great part of the Brazilians that they are excluded from the types of (…) (necessary knowledge) for the life contemporary, being enters the knowledge (in foreign language) (UNDERBRUSH LOPES, 2003, p.43 apud PARAN, 2008). In this perspective, when the pupil has the chance of being inserted in this globalizada society endorsed by the knowledge of one second language, it contributes in the fight against the social inaquality. 2. The EDUCATION OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN BRAZIL the education of the English language in Brazil was initiated, formal, in 22 of June of 1809, for the decree signed for D. Joo VI, that it ordered to create a school of English language and another one of French language.

The education of English language had the objective to characterize the professionals for the market of work of the time with the development of the country happened of the relations with other countries, especially England, whose influence was great under Brazil (PUC-RIO, 2009). In 1837, with the foundation of the College Peter II, the modern languages had had, for the first time, certain ascension, even so the preference still were for the classic languages and the Frenchman with considerable advantage on the English, since that considered age as universal language, reaching the status of frank language at this time (CHAGAS, 1967 apud PAIVA, 2003; PARAN, 2008). With the creation of the Ministry of the Education in 1930 and subsequentemente the Reformation Francisco De Campos in 1931, had the establishment of an official method for the education of foreign language, the direct method.