Today we see that it is very fashionable term attention Deficit, but what is really the attention Deficit? Quickly we can say it is a syndrome neurobiological, affecting the individual, which has the typical feature: lack of chronic care in various activities. This is caused by the lack of dopamine that is a neurotransmitter in the brain. In other words attention deficit is a dysfunction of the brain, i.e., the brain is in good condition but there is an area of the same, that is affected. This, however, not deprive an appropriate development of the same, provided there is an environment and adequate stimulation. The intelligence of people who suffer from attention deficit is intact, which means, that this deficiency will not influence in a better or worse IQ, this will depend, again of the stimulation and the environment that surrounds these people during its growth. On many occasions commits the erro classify with inappropriate names as loose, restless etc.
And a solution that helps them to overcome this deficiency, since with assistance to attack the problem and instruct the individual, so is autocontrole and can focus their attention on the activity that you are running is not sought. A person with Attention Deficit (DDA) presents difficulty to organize his thinking, so it has problems to represent what they have in mind, are having trouble processing information, stores information differently, find it hard to locate the main idea, you may not access and process information at high speeds. To correct these deficiencies should be thought modification techniques, applied by a specialist, however there are very specialized techniques such as acoustic Audios to improve attention deficit that stimulate production of dopamine in the brain, thanks to acoustic technology found that certain vibrations and oscillations induce the brain into a deep alpha state. When it is well calibrated and under control, this has proven to be very beneficial in cases of attention Deficit Disorder. People who are in the everyday environment of a person with DDA should also make modifications of behaviors is important apply immediate reinforcers and that you like the person, explaining the why you had been strengthened. These techniques must be applied with consistency and continuity for the duration of the same. The people who surround you shall be blameless models.
As soon as the school environment, the child or the person with the DDA can work properly, however sometimes is you tilda how loose, retracted, disinterested, etc. and due to his neglect loses the academic content so you need to be in a classroom with a small group of children, where there is constant communication between family, school and specialist. The teacher must be an excellent observer and contributor, paying attention to the advances of the child, applying reinforcers constantly at the right time and keeping informed representatives of the child in terms of tasks, reviews, events, etc.